Thursday, March 17, 2011

Under water

I finally got back home for a visit and finally spent some time with my camera.  There was some flooding. This is one of my dad's fields. You can easily see that water was flowing through it...

You can also see that pieces of the field are now gone...

Interesting textures...

Normally, Sara likes to go for walks with me, but she didn't enjoy the car ride down to the creek and was soon ready to go home. Here she is headed to the car and making sure I am too...

The field is starting to dry out...

Mossy cliffs and trees...

This old truck has seen better days...

Wind on the water...

Dirty leaf...

A big tree got swept into the creek and made it under the bridge. It got stuck just below the bridge and created a lot of waves...


More waves...

Grant putting out pretend fires...

And tolerating me taking his picture...

I grabbed a couple of pics of Isaac before he was set loose after lunch...

Playing with the fisheye lens in the barn...

A great uncle carved his initials in one of the doors. A pretty nice job...

Spring is springing...

1 comment:

  1. so good to see your pics again.
    i love -i really wanted to start this comment differently, all my comments here begin with "i love..." but i cant help it!- anyway, i love the mood in these pics, those brown shades and all the grey really give an idea of devastation.
    and then the last perfect! i've been obsessing about trees and branches for a while, been trying to put that into my paintings, but i cant get it right...and then i see that photo and that's exactly the feeling im looking for...hmm

    take care
    lauri :)
